Other places to catch our members work – March through June 2025 While our members continue to be shown at many local galleries, including: – The Artists Collective Studio, Rouse Street, Tenterfield– Make-It, Rouse Street, Tenterfield – Artworks, Stanthorpe Railway Precinct, Stanthorpe – Stanthorpe Art Gallery, Stanthorpe – Wallangara/Jennings Cafe Station, Wallangara, Jennings Railway Station.– and more… You can also
Pieces produced as part of our 2025 workshop series REGENERATION REIMAGINE RENEW together with other other member works will be at Glen Innes Gallery 1st – 21st of August.
What to do when you are an Artist and your spare room starts to overflow? Share those pieces at an Art Market! Bi-monthly from 9 till noon, in conjunction with the Tenterfield Railway Markets, we open our home in the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors – come meet the Artists, find out about upcoming exhibitions
Gunnedah Bicentennial Creative Arts Gallery March 27 – April 30 – an exhibition from our Workshop Series “REGENERATION REIMAGINE RENEW”
Etching with Aluminium with Lizzie Connor – visiting tutor from Armidale at Wallangarra School of Arts : October 11th & 12th – part of our “REGENERATION REIMAGINE RENEW” 2025 Workshop Series
Fibre Arts Sculpture with Dr Jean Bennett – visiting tutor from Malany at Wallangarra School of Arts: July 5th & 6th – part of our “REGENERATION REIMAGINE RENEW” 2025 Workshop Series
Figurative Animals in Ceramics with Lyndell Petersen – visiting tutor from Brisbane at Stanthorpe Pottery Club : May 17th & 18th – part of our “REGENERATION REIMAGINE RENEW” 2025 Workshop Series
Acrylic Painting with Lizzie Connor – visiting tutor from Gympie, at Tenterfield Railway Museum : March 8th & 9th
Borderline 2025 – What’s On! BORDERLINE EXHIBITIONS 2025 : “Borderline at SRAG” at Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery – our major biennielle exhibition : 1st of May – 22nd of June “Borderline at Texas Regional Art Gallery” : 2nd of August – 12th of September “Borderline at Ceramic Break Sculpture Park” at Warialda Sept 4th – Oct 12th ______________ Art Market
Our next 2024 Major exhibition opens soon! Rosalie Gallery September 18 – October 13, 2024
New exhibition opens September 22nd 2024 Several of our Artists will be sharing their works at Ceramic Break Sculpture Park in September and October – it looks to be a fabulous show! Nola Sindel. Botanical and Wildlife Artist , Gay Landeta Art, Jacqueline King – Contemporary Glass Artist & Sculptor, Elisabeth Muller Krishna Heffernan
GBart 2025 Borderine Regional Arts enthusiastically supports the re-imagining of the Gbart Art Trail in 2025. Centred around Stanthorpe the core will remain – you will still be able to meet amazing artists and do fantastic workshops on the Art Trail – but there will be much more for everyone including markets, exhibitions and more. Details are still lining up
Where to catch our amazing Artists! Borderline Exhibitions 2024 : “Borderline Winter” at the ACS (Artists Collective Studio) Tenterfield : 27th June – 21st July “Where I Find Peace” at Rosalie Gallery nr Toowoomba : 19th Sept to 13th October Borderline Exhibitions 2025 : “Borderline at SRAG” at Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery : 24th April – 25th May continuing on
Exhibition at The Richard Randall Studio Gallery, Mt Cootha Gardens, Brisbane – Easter 2024 10 Borderline Artists spent the Easter long weekend sharing their work at the beautiful Richard Randall Studio in Brisbane. It was Borderline Regional Arts first time exhibiting in Brisbane and the works were well received. Over the 4 days that the exhibition was open, there were
20 Borderline Members will be exhibiting at Rosalie this Spring sharing their experience of where they find peace with an Artists Talk discussing the artists and media will take place on Saturday the 21st.
‘Borderline in Winter’ is the name of our 2024 biennial exhibition at ACS – opening June 24th and on till the 21st of July. As winter is such a beautiful time in the Granite Belt this exhibition will be a must see.
We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers to fibre artists and more and you can get a taste of what we are about (and likely grab a bargain!) on the first Saturday of February, April, June, August, October and December at the Railway Markets in Tenterfield. From 9 till noon, we
Over Easter 2024 10 Borderline members will be exhibiting at The Richard Randall Studio Gallery, Mt Cootha Gardens Brisbane. Come along and say hi!
Borderline’s biennial major exhibition at @StanthropeArtGallery opening May 8th. Members note : entry forms due 24th April – contact Sue Jurd. Deliveries to the Gallery 1-2 May. Pick-up points will be arranged – see monthly minutes for details.
What’s On at Borderline in 2024 2024’s exhibition and professional development calendar has now been confirmed and will include : Exhibition at The Richard Randall Studio Gallery, Mt Cootha Gardens Brisbane – 4 days over Easter, Friday 29 March to Tuesday 2 April. “Borderline in Winter” – ACS Gallery, Tenterfield – 24 June to 21 July. “Where We Find Peace”–
We Still Have 2 Spots Left In One Of Our Upcoming 2023 Workshops – Is One Yours? EVERYDAY NATURE SKETCHBOOKS – with Deb Mostert September 2-3, 2023. Girraween National Park. 10am start $220 for members, $255 for non-members (this included a $35 membership fee). Limit 10 This course will involve getting into a daily habit of nature drawing in the
What’s On 2024 – 25 After a run of exhibitions, it is time for our Artists to get back into their studios and expand their skill sets! That being said 2023 and 2024 will focus on our 2023 Workshop Series and Art Camps (with dates to be released). Upcoming Borderline Group Exhibitions include: Easter Exhibition at the Richard Randall Art
Inverell Regional Art Gallery – final stop for Journeys on the Border 2023 Our workshop series traveling exhibition culminated in Inverell in a show that included a full range of Borderline member’s art. The opening was well attended and 2 pieces were sold immediately. Congratulations to everyone for a beautiful exhibition!
ECO FRIENDLY ETCHING – with Liz Powell Nov 18-19, at the Engine Driver’s Barracks, Tenterfield. 10am start $220 for members, $255 for non-members (this included a $35 membership fee). Limit of 6 The aim is to have fun and to expand the understanding of the potential of metal plate etching. The quality of line and the potential for tone is
CHARCOAL DRAWING for beginners and more advanced – with Lizzie Connor October 14-15. at the Engine Driver’s Barracks, Tenterfield. 10am start. Location may alter during course. $160 for members, $195 for non-members (this included a $35 membership fee). Limit 8 Students will investigate the various types of charcoal available and how to use them. The workshop will also look at
EVERYDAY NATURE SKETCHBOOKS – with Deb Mostert September 2-3. Girraween National Park. 10am start $220 for members, $255 for non-members (this included a $35 membership fee). Limit 10 This course will involve getting into a daily habit of nature drawing in the context of a sketchbook. With a simple kit of materials, you can carry everywhere, you will discover that
BOTANICAL ART – with Nola Sindel July 15-16, at the Engine Driver’s Barracks, Tenterfield. 10am start $220 for members, $255 for non-members (this included a $35 membership fee). Limit of 8 This workshop will include Observation of plants, layout and composition, shading and tone in graphite and painting.
EXPERIMENTAL FELTMAKING – with Sheryl Wright July 1-2, at the Engine Driver’s Barracks, Tenterfield. 10am start $160 for members, $195 for non-members (this included a $35 membership fee). The emphasis will be on exploring texture, both on 2D and 3D pieces. Students will play with colour choices and the fundamentals of wet felting. All materials supplied.
BORDERLINE WORKSHOPS FOR 2023 EXPERIMENTAL FELTMAKING – with Sheryl Wright July 1-2, at the Engine Driver’s Barracks, Tenterfield. 10am start $160 for members, $195 for non-members (this included a $35 membership fee). The emphasis will be on exploring texture, both on 2D and 3D pieces. Students will play with colour choices and the fundamentals of wet felting. All materials supplied.
What’s On! We have had a busy start to 2023 with another three group exhibitions still to go …. Texas Art Gallery ‘Open Ended Revised’ from 11 April to 13 May. ‘Journey on the Border’ – our traveling exhibition focusing on works developed in our 2022 Workshop Series is on at the Glen Innes Art Gallery from March 25 – 22 April.
Open Ended at Texas Regional Art Gallery – April 11th to May 13th
Deepwater 2023 Market Deepwater Art Show was back on the map this year with many of our Artists entering 1 or 2 works and most selling at least 1 piece. The exhibition itself was incredible, artists and visitors came from all over the country. We took the opportunity to set up a stall to spotlight our organisation and members. The
Stanthorpe ‘Open Ended’ 2023 Opening Night with Mary Findlay and Liz Powell doing the honours with a bonus presentation from Denise N Rall launching her new book. Here are a few shots of the night…
What’s On At Borderline Regional Arts : Update February 2023 Borderline Exhibitions SRAG Exhibition – ‘Open-Ended’ 2 March – 10 April, Opening Friday 3 March 6-8 pm. (Note Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery has temporarily relocated to Civic Centre.) If you miss the exhibition in Stanthorpe you can catch us at the Texas Art Gallery ‘Open Ended Revised’ from 11 April to 13
Borderline Regional Arts Workshop Series 2023 Our line-up for 2023 looks exciting! Experimental Making May 6-7 Sheryl Wright Eco-Friendly Etching with Liz Powell, July Botanical Art – Nola Sindel, August Everyday Nature Sketchbooks – Deb Mostert 2 days in September, Tenterfield area Charcoal Drawing – Lizzie Connor 2 days in October, Tenterfield area $50 deposit will secure a place, limit of
WHAT’S ON! Where you can find us for the rest of 2022 and into 2023… ‘Journey on the Border’ – Borderline Regional Arts Exhibition from the 2022 workshop series, has opened and runs from 8th October to 20th November at the Surat on Balonne Gallery , Surat Qld. The ‘Encore Prize Exhibition’, which includes many Borderline members works is on
A selection of smaller works from “Open Ended”, titled “Open Ended Revised” will be on exhibition @texasartscouncil 11th April to 13th May.
The Borderline Travelling Exhibition ‘Journeys on the Border’ has begun its journey at the Surat on Balonne Gallery on October 8th continuing till November the 20th. Art includes beautiful 2D and 3D works and has all been created as a result of our 2022 Workshop Series which inspired and expanded the part practice of everyone who attended. Workshops and advertising
2022 9×5 Art Prize Winners Announced Congratulations to the members who were winners of the “Australiana 9 x 5 Art Prize – First Place and $400 went to Gay Landeta for her work “Family Holiday 1”; and Third Place and $100 to Lindsay Neil for “Cowgirls”.
Our workshop series continued in April with two days with talented Artist Deb Mostert. On day 1 participants explored the possibilities inherent in an Artists Journal in beautiful Girraween National Park – a traditional method of developing concepts, recording subjects and exploring new ways of viewing the world. Day 2 was spent designing, sculpting and casting a combination of small
Our 2022 Workshop Series, which will culminate in our travelling exhibition ‘Journeys on the Border’ later in the year, began February 21 and 22nd. Artists had a fabulous two days in in our new home at the Tenterfield Railway Museum Engine Drivers Cottage extending their self-portraiture skills with Gympie Artist & Teacher Joolie Gibbs.
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
On the first Saturday of each month, from 8 – noon we open our home at the Engine Driver’s Cottage at the Tenterfield Railway Museum to visitors. We are a group of talented artists ranging from painters to sculptors to printmakers to papermakers and fibre artists and more. Visit us to get a taste of what we are about, find
Borderline’s bi-annual major exhibition will be at @StanthropeArtGallery –“Open Ended” 2023 March 2nd to April 10th.
What’s On 2022! NEW!!! Come visit us in our new home! Borderline Arts Open Studio and Market Day – 1st Saturday of Each Month Watch our Artists at work and browse our market (all pieces under $50) at the Railway Markets in our new home at The Cottage, The Railway Museum, Tenterfield on the first Saturday of each month. WORKSHOPS
Tenterfield Show 2022 : BORDERLINE WINNERS Borderline members almost scooped the pool at this years Agricultural Show, winning entries included : Louise Jenkins – Grand Champion, 1st in the Still Life Section, 1st in the Drawing Section and a 2nd in the Figurative Section. Gay Landeta – 1st and 2nd in the Abstract Section and The Hangers Prize. Krishna Heffernan
In June see Journeys on the Border at The Inverell Art Gallery Exhibition will include art created during the 2022 Borderline Workshop Series as well as works from our members.
Journeys on the Border will be at the Surat on Balonne Gallery from 8th October to 20th November 2022. Exhibition will include art created during the 2022 Borderline Workshop Series as well as works from our members. Advertising funding paid for by Regional Arts Funding, with thanks!
Journeys on the Border will be at Glen Innes Gallery 11th April to 28th April 2023. Exhibition will include art created during the 2022 Borderline Workshop Series as well as works from our members.
Our New Home! We are very excited to announce the new home of Borderline Regional Arts! A huge shoutout and thank you to the Tenterfield Railway Station Museum for our new premises in The Engine Driver’s Cottage in the grounds of the historic Tenterfield Railway Museum, Railway Pde, Tenterfield. This will become a place members can come to use Priscilla, our
WHAT’S ON …. the end of 2021 and into 2022 …. Inverell Art Prize – Inverell Regional Gallery – Exhibition running till 6th Dec. 2021 Borderline Xmas! 11th December 2021 – to be held in our new home The Borderline Room in the Engine Driver’s Cottage, at Tenterfield Railway Museum Borderline Workshops for 2022 will begin with Joolie Gibbs “Mixed Media Portraiture” 19th – 20th
This project was made possible by the Australian Government’s Regional Arts Fund, which supports the arts in regional and remote Australia. Spend two days with Gympie artist Joolie Gibbs delving into the intricacies of portraiture to discover and reclaim your real identity and/or that of your classmates, beginning by looking analytically at the portrait, by exploring different facial aspects. “We
Member Liz Powell scoops 2nd at the Inverell Art Prize 2021 Member Liz Powell won 2nd Prize in the Open Section of Inverell Art Prize run by Inverell Regional Art Gallery, for November 2021, with ‘Falling Down 1’ – drypoint etching, mono print and collage 50cm x 30cm Liz says ” The image is based on photographs I took on
Our talented member, Krishna Heffernan’s Online Exhibition.
‘Borderline Arts’ : Exhibition October 1st – November 1st at The Artists Collective Studio and Gallery, Tenterfield
Borderline Artists will be showcasing their artisan talent at the Summit, right next door to the Alpaca Artisans Shop. Works for sale cover a wide variety of mediums. Meet the makers all weekend, discuss their techniques, and buy a piece of local artwork. There will be ongoing short workshops by experienced tutors every day, an ideal time to have a
$60 per person 10am to 12 noon (why not stay for lunch with your pre-ordered GBART picnic). Welcome to a world of intaglio printing combined with layered printing and/or hand colouring effects. Create 8 – 10 unique and beautiful prints. We’ll be using small formats, so that you can play with lots of variation, creating and building on multiple images.
$60 per person 10am to 12 noon (why not stay for lunch with your pre-ordered GBART picnic). Welcome to a world of intaglio printing combined with layered printing and/or hand colouring effects. Create 8 – 10 unique and beautiful prints. We’ll be using small formats, so that you can play with lots of variation, creating and building on multiple images.
Free entry Open 10am – 4pm An exhibition of around 30-40 original art works (no reproductions) by Artist Louise Jenkins, on the #GBART2021. In 2021 this artist has been exploring printmaking techniques (including mokulito, screen printing, dry-point etching, lithography and linocut), and working on new paintings, and drawing collections. This exhibition celebrates her creations of 2021, punctuated by earlier works from
Borderline Artists will be showcasing their artisan talent at the Summit, right next door to the Alpaca Artisans Shop! Works for sale cover a wide variety of mediums. Meet the makers all weekend, discuss their techniques, and buy a piece of local artwork. There will be ongoing short workshops by experienced tutors every day, an i deal time to have
What’s On for the second half of 2021 Mail Trail Acquisitive Exhibition showing at the Artists Collective in Tenterfield. Opened 11th June. Closes 11th July. artistscollectivestudio@gmail.com. And congratulations to those whose works were acquired for the shire’s permanent collection, many of whom are from Borderline: Louise Jenkins, Sue Jurd, Jacqueline King, Ian McKenzie, Linda Nye, Lu Potter, Liz Powell and Raylee Delaney. Read
‘Prints from the Border’ opens June 22nd at Texas Regional Art Gallery Members have loved our Printmakers series of workshops – expanding their already considerable skills with the likes of expert printmakers Sam Sosnowski (Mokolito Printing); Anne Leon (Silkscreen); Sandra Pearce, (Monoprint and Drypoint Etching); and Wayne Singleton (Lino Printing). Our first exhibition of prints in the Pamela Bell Room
‘Beyond the Mask’ & ‘Prints from the Border’ at Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery A few photos from our very successful exhibitions ‘Beyond the Mask’ and ‘Prints from the Border’ at Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery April 29 – June 13. You can catch “Prints from the Border’ at the Texas Regional Art Gallery from June 22nd.
Prints from the Border at Texas Regional Gallery Opens 30th June closes 31st July. This is the second leg of the traveling exhibition from the print-making workshops Borderine is sponsoring during the first half of 2021.
What’s On in Autumn/Winter 2021 : Borderline Regional Arts Assoc Exhibitions ‘Beyond The Mask’ – Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery : opening 29th April 2021 and continuing to June 13th. Join us for our official High Tea Opening on Saturday May 2nd. ‘Prints from the Border‘ will be shown in the Pamela Bell Space at SRAG in conjunction with Beyond the Mask.
Reflections from the Mokolito Workshop with Sam Sosnowski 6/7 March
** March 6&7th: Japanese Mokulito Woodcut with Sam Sosnowski www.samsosgallery.com. ** April 17th&18th: Photo Silk Screen with Anne Leon www.anneleon.com.au. ** May 22nd&23rd: Mono Printing with Sandra Pearce www.sandrapearce.com.au. ** June 12th&13th: Lino Printing with Wayne Singleton www.waynesingleton.com.au.
** March 6&7th: Japanese Mokulito Woodcut with Sam Sosnowski www.samsosgallery.com. ** April 17th&18th: Photo Silk Screen with Anne Leon www.anneleon.com.au. ** May 22nd&23rd: Mono Printing with Sandra Pearce www.sandrapearce.com.au. ** June 12th&13th: Lino Printing with Wayne Singleton www.waynesingleton.com.au.
** March 6&7th: Japanese Mokulito Woodcut with Sam Sosnowski www.samsosgallery.com. ** April 17th&18th: Photo Silk Screen with Anne Leon www.anneleon.com.au. ** May 22nd&23rd: Mono Printing with Sandra Pearce www.sandrapearce.com.au. ** June 12th&13th: Lino Printing with Wayne Singleton www.waynesingleton.com.au.
** March 6&7th: Japanese Mokulito Woodcut with Sam Sosnowski www.samsosgallery.com. ** April 17th&18th: Photo Silk Screen with Anne Leon www.anneleon.com.au. ** May 22nd&23rd: Mono Printing with Sandra Pearce www.sandrapearce.com.au. ** June 12th&13th: Lino Printing with Wayne Singleton www.waynesingleton.com.au.
Borderline Regional Arts are honoured to have secured the expertise of 4 expert Printmakers for their series of workshops running March through June 2021. Watch for details of the travelling Exhibition that is planned to follow this series. March 6th and 7th kicked off the series with SAM SOSNOWSKI sharing the intricacies of MOKOLITO, a Japanese printmaking process. www.samsosgallery.com Mokulito
Borderline Regional Arts Assoc Exhibitions Borderline Exhibition : From Here To There – Warwick Regional Art Gallery – Opening 22 January with Mary Findlay of SRAG as our opening speaker, continuing to March 6th. Borderline Bi-Annual SRAG Exhibition : Beyond The Mask – Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery : opening 29th April 2021 and continuing to June 13th. High Tea opening
Borderline Art Camp members only Art Camp at Mieke Den Otter’s property (Rosie O’Briens Country Cottages) off Storm King Rd was held over the weekend of the 25th – 27th September. 52 mini canvases were available to experiment on and transformed into an exhibition at Honeysuckle Cottages Applethorpe as part of GBART – Granite Belt Art Trail in Oct. The event was
Borderline Bi-Annual Stanthorpe Exhibition : Beyond The Mask – Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery: opening 29th April 2021 Official opening a High Tea on Sunday 2nd May. Closes 13th June The exhibition will include Prints from the Border in the Pamela Bell Space at SRAG. Prints from the Border will carry prints from the first 2 of the 4 print-making workshops that
Borderline GBART Exhibition : Honeysuckle Cottages Applethorpe – Friday 30th October to Sunday 1st Nov.
Borderline Exhibitions Borderline GBART Exhibition : Honeysuckle Cottages Applethorpe – Friday 30th October to Sunday 1st Nov. Borderline Exhibition : From Here To There Warwick – NEW DATES – January 22nd – 6th of March 2021. (Members Note … any changes to your catalogue entries to Liz Powell by 12th of December. Promotional images due 21st of November.) Borderline Bi-Annual Stanthorpe Exhibition
Borderline Member Solo Exhibition Krishna Heffernan’s exhibition “Girraween Reborn” is a series of prints based on the impacts of fire drought and now rain on the Girraween National Park. The exhibition opening is on the 5th Sept. 2pm at Twisted Gum Winery.
Borderline Art Camp to go-ahead from the 25th – 27th of September at Mieke Den Otter’s property off Storm King Rd. Borderline will provide 15cm x 15 cm canvas frames to work on in any media, including multiples. There will be a follow-up workshop day at the October meeting at Tenterfield Tennis Club to allow printmaking, watercolour and other general art-making
Local Art Gallery Re-opening Members of the Artists Collective Studio Gallery are multi-taskers. We are also members of Borderline Arts Association and very excited to announce the gallery is re-opening on Thursday 4th June. We have the Australiana 9×5 exhibition up till June 21st as well as new works to see.We look forward to seeing you soon!
Warwick Regional Gallery Show (Covid Update : Rescheduled For January 2021…) Members are busy preparing pieces for our upcoming show at Warwick Art Gallery – now opening January 28th. Here is just a small selection so far ….
Borderline members take part in Art Auction for Firies Here are a few images of some the donated works – but they do not do any justice to the lovely collection of work donated by our members together with Make It Tenterfield and The Artist’s Collective Studio Tenterfield. You can have a look at the entire catalogue here.
Together with Make It Tenterfield and The Artist’s Collective, Borderline members have donated some beautiful art pieces for this Fundraiser for our local heroes. You can download the catalogue here
From My Backyard – Stanthorpe Regional Art Galley November 2019 22 artists share their vision at our major bi-annual exhibition at SRAG which was officially opened on October 4th. Below is a small selection of the range of works exploring the representational and metaphorical perspectives that ‘…from my backyard’ conjured for the individual artist. Congratulations to Judy Harris for the first
This promises to be a fabulous 2 weekend event as artists exhibit at studios and galleries as well as taking up residence in community spaces. Enrol in a class, watch a demonstration or simply enjoy taking a look at their artistic process.. There are many possible routes to follow on this self driven/cycling/walking trail. Two huge weekends: 19-20 and 26-27
An exhibition of new abstract acrylic art works, peppered with charcoals and other original art works. All artworks are for sale. Exhibition opens at 12pm for guests arriving to the 2:30pm performance of Caxton Street Jazz Band at Robert Channon’s Concert venue, Swigmore Hall. Book tickets with Robert Channon Wines Artist Residency dates and schedule of interactive elements for the
Preparation for ‘…from my backyard’ Stanthorpe Borderline takes over the Stanthorpe Gallery in October … here is a preview of some of the beautiful works that will be presented….
See many of our Borderline Artists represented in the Inverell Art Prize …. maybe even the winner!
ENTRIES NOW OPEN! Our members are often amongst the winners in the Stanthorpe Art Prize held in June, Stanthorpe Regional Gallery. There are AUD$50,000 in prizes across 11 categories. Entries for the art prize are open to Australian artists and close 16 March 2020. The finalist’s exhibition will be open for public viewing in mid 2020.
Borderline Exhibition hosted by Warwick Regional Gallery : 2nd April – 9th May 2020. Here is a preview of images of work from some of our artists….
In March 2020 Stanthorpe Regional Gallery will host its annual Local Artists Exhibition where you can catch local talent, including our members, exhibiting drawings, paintings, felt making, etchings, sculpture and more.
Tenterfield Artists Collective Studio (Borderline members) exhibition Print Works opens on the 6th of September and continues to 6th of October – follow them on Facebook to see more – click here. Entries close 25/8/19
Borderline takes over the Stanthorpe Gallery from October 4th 2019 … entries close Sept 20th. Here is a selection of some of the entries so far….
On The Move – Borderline Exhibition : Inverell Art Gallery July 2018 Just a small selection from our exhibition at Inverell Art Gallery….
Preparations are on for Borderline’s Exhibition ‘On the Move’ June 30th – August 3rd So exciting to see our members work being prepared for our exhibition “On The Move” in Inverell – opening at the Galery on June 30th and continuing to August 3rd. Here is a taster of what is to come – from Raylee Delaney – Barra Nula VII (right)
Rescued – Black Kite, Coloured pencil work available at Artists’ Collective Studio, Tenterfield
Members notes for Inverell…. June 1st – mark your diaries! Entries for our Inverell Show must be to Carmel Higgins by then. Check your inbox for documentation or our private FB site. More info below… “Borderline on the Move” Inverell Art Gallery: Opening 30 June 2018 Exhibition Dates: Friday 1 June: All entry forms to be returned with retail
Congratulations to the following Borderline wins at the Tenterfield Show 2018 Judy Harris “Stretching” : Grand Champion. 1st Figurative Anni Washington “New England – Line and Pattern” : 1st Outdoor Scene Margaret Dowe “Gumtree Dilemma” : 1st Abstract Janet White “Stoneware, wheel thrown, leaf pattern”: 1st Ceramics Raylee Delaney “She was a good cook”: 2nd Outdoor Scene. Tied 4th Peoples choice. Carmel
Important Dates: ENTRIES DUE 11/6/18 Monday 11 June : All stock sheets to be returned to Committee and then Friday 15 June to Inverell Gallery with retail prices (including applicable commission in prices. 44% for non-members, 33% for members of Inverell Gallery. Friday 22 June: All work to be delivered to the Gallery by this date. (All artwork
The art year is starting off with a number of local events where our member’s amazing work can be seen …. The Stanthorpe Show – Feb 2 – 4th The Tenterfield Show – Feb 9th and 10th : entries due on the 7th or 8th before 10 am LAF Out Loud – Local Art Fest (part of the Apple And
Gireen National Park, December 2nd, 2017 We will meet in the carpark Saturday December 2nd, 2017 from 9 am Qld / 10 am NSW Bring a picnic to share and your drawing, painting or other art materials … Come and Play!!! https://www.npsr.qld.gov.au/parks/girraween/
See many of our Artists works at Bush Christmas November 30th – December 9th in the Masonic Centre, 58 Neill Street, Toowoomba (beside Empire Theatre).
Many of our members are participating in Bush Christmas this year in Toowomba – From November 30th to Saturday December 9th at the Masonic Centre, 58 Neil Street, Toowoomba (beside Empire Theatre). Come get beautiful unique handmade Chrsitmas presents and support your local artists
I really liked these reflections by 14 experienced artists… Disclosure! Take note that the website promotes business development for artists hence the emphasis on marketing in this article, however I still feel the article has validity for any emerging artist or those who are wishing to make their work more public. What 14 Artists Wish They Knew at the Start of
Congratulations goes to the Borderline members who run the Tenterfield Art Collective for winning the Retail Award and HCs for Innovation and for Tourism at the Tenterfield Business and Tourism Awards. They always have beautiful exhibitions and are well worth a visit! The Art Collective always has a beautiful exhibition on and are well worth a visit! Find them at Shop 1/199 Rouse
We just heard that Nola Sindel’s watercolour painting “Graptoveria Big Brother” won the Peoples’ Choice award at the recent Botanical Art Society of Australia exhibition in Sydney at the Botanical Gardens. Also, Anni Washington and Nola will have entries at the Daphne Young Watercolour Prize in Armidale in October. Good luck!
Well, that may be a little of an over excitement but we are very pleased to announce that two talented Borderline Regional Arts members, Louise Jenkins and Judy Harris had success at the 2017 Inverell Art Prize. Louise Jenkins; 1st with ‘Bordeaux I’ in the Pastel class Judy Harris; 2nd with ‘Paddock Reflections’ in the Open class Congratulations!
Our members Sue Jurd and Gay Landeta attended a Fibre Arts Workshop recently which they thoroughly enjoyed. Fibre Arts is offering Borderline members 5 x $250 scholarships, to attend either of 2018 Woodlawn (Lismore) live – in workshops. We thank Fibre Arts for their genrosity very much! Members, please contact Sue Jurd or Gay Landeta for further information
Watch this space for Borderlines next gallery showing … more details to follow.
2017 Annual General Meeting for Borderline Regional Arts Association inc Please make sure your membership is up to date, and come along to vote.