Stories Of Success
Many of our members are award-winning artists, here are a few special highlights …
If you are a member, we would like to hear about your recent success. You may have recently won or been placed in a competitive art exhibition, had a great sale or commission work, or simply wish to share the uplifting feedback you have received. Email Borderline Web-Co-ordinator with details.
Liz Powell’s Work Aquired By The NSW State Library
May 2022 brought the exciting news that 3 of Liz Powell‘s artist’s books have been acquired by the NSW State Library. Congratulations Liz!!!!

People Choice Armidale Art Prize 2022
Rebecca Conduit won the People’s Choice Award at the Armidale Art Prize – wonderful work!

Maryke Miller
Many congratulations to our member Maryke who won the 3D prize in the Local Artist Exhibition 2022. Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery runs this each year and it is a fantastic place to see how talented our Granite Belt Artists are!

Maryke Miller Local Artists Exhibition 3D winner 2022.
Stanthope Show 2022 Reserve Champion
The Stanthorpe Agricultural Show 2022 saw member Francine Christensen win Reserve Champion in the Fine Arts Division with her gorgeous painting of a Blue Wren.

ACS 2022 9X5 Art Prize
Congratulations to the winners of the “Australiana 9 x 5 Art Prize First Place and $400 went to Gay Landeta for her work “Family Holiday 1”; and Third Place and $100 to Lindsay Neil for “Cowgirls”.

Tenterfield Show 2022 : BORDERLINE WINNERS
Borderline members scooped the pool at the 2022 Tenterfield Agricultural Show, winning entries included :
Louise Jenkins – Grand Champion, 1st in the Still Life Section, 1st in the Drawing Section and a 2nd in the Figurative Section.
Gay Landeta – 1st and 2nd in the Abstract Section and The Hangers Prize.
Krishna Heffernan – 1st in the Indigenous Section
Linda Nye – 1st in the Landscape Section
Nola Sindel – 2nd in the Still Life Section.
and Thomas Law who won 2nd in the Novice Section with Rolls Royce.
Congratulations everyone! Lovely work. 🥰

Liz Powell – 2nd Prize in the Inverell Art Prize Open Section November 2021
Liz shares about the image “The image is based on photographs I took on a field trip to Tenterfield Station organized by fellow Borderliner Louise Jenkins. It was an excellent opportunity to investigate the surrounds of the old homestead. I have garnered several works from my initial dry point etchings of the slab construction shed out the back.
I nearly didn’t put an entry into the exhibition!”
‘Falling Down 1’ – drypoint etching, mono print and collage 50cm x 30cm
The Mail Trail Acquisitive Art Exhibition, June 2021, was a highly successful event on a number of fronts and for Borderline members in particular.
It was held at the Artists Collective Studio Gallery in Tenterfield and organized as part of a series of community events commemorating the centenary of the first trial airmail flight in Australia, occurring between Lismore, Casino and Tenterfield. The acquisitive exhibition provided works for a permanent collection for Tenterfield Shire. Of the nine works purchased six were by Borderline Members – Louise Jenkins, Sue Jurd, Linda Nye, Raylee Delaney and Liz Powell (who submitted 2 works with both acquired).
Tenterfield Railway Museum Residency
In March 2021 Arts NW advertised for applicants for their new project ‘Art in the Museum’. Successful applicants would spend a period between and April and May as artists-in residence at one of the five participating museums across the region.
Liz Powell was successful in her application to work at Tenterfield Railway Museum. She worked closely with members of the museum staff and had a studio space in the old timber barracks at the rear of the site. Over the time she worked there she built up an installation in a large glass display cabinet which included a book of tickets, a journal of smoke and steam, frottages of embossed wrought iron, collages of the switches, miniature lost luggage and a tunnel book of the Victorian era platform. He work continues to be informed by this experience.
Armidale Art Prize Sculpture 2021
Liz Powell’s ‘Patchwork Gates’ was awarded second prize in the Armidale Art Gallery Prize for 3D.
This piece resulted from participation in Arts NW Art Word Place- a collaboration between artists and writers. It travelled to Tamworth Regional Gallery and Regional Australia Centre in Canberra before arriving in Armidale Art Gallery in time for the annual Art Prize.
‘I had been drawn to the patchwork of paddocks stitched together with wire at Heatherdene homestead where my writer Lucy Monroe lives. And gates. Outside and inside the gates depends on where you are standing of course. Are you looking out at the landscape or into the house garden? Gates enclose a paddock but they are also the way out to the bigger landscape.’
‘Patchwork Gates’ are made from found copper pipe, etchings and gel prints that have been treated with encaustic and stitch, crocheted copper wire, steel wire struts and rings, soldering
Tenterfield Show 2018
Congratulations to the following Borderline Arts members for their win in the Fine Arts Section of the Tenterfield Show
Judy Harris “Stretching” : Grand Champion. 1st Figurative
Anni Washington “New England – Line and Pattern” : 1st Outdoor Scene
Margaret Dowe “Gumtree Dilemma” : 1st Abstract
Janet White “Stoneware, wheel thrown, leaf pattern”: 1st Ceramics
Raylee Delaney “She was a good cook”: 2nd Outdoor Scene. Tied 4th Peoples choice.
Carmel Higgins “Camellia Bud”: 2nd Novice
Sue Jurd “Cosmic II”: 2nd Abstract
Maryke Miller “Wheel thrown teapot”: 2nd Ceramics
Tenterfield Business and Tourism Awards 2017
Congratulations to The Artists’ Collective Studio (who are all Borderline members) who have won the Retail Award and HCs for Innovation in the Tenterfield Business and Tourism Awards 2017!
Botanical Art Society of Australia exhibition in Sydney 2017
Talented Borderline member Nola Sindel‘s watercolour painting “Graptoveria Big Brother” won the Peoples’ Choice award at the recent Botanical Art Society of Australia exhibition in Sydney at the Botanical Gardens.
Inverell Art Prize 2017
Congratulations to Judy Harris and Louise Jenkins, who had success at the Inverell Art Prize 2017 :
Louise Jenkins 1st Pastel with ‘Bordeaux I’
Judy Harris 2nd Open with ‘Paddock Reflections’
Tenterfield Show 2017
The Tenterfield Show results are in. Congratulations to the following Borderliners: Rosemary Boyle, Judy Harris, Theo Gard, Carmel Higgins, Louise Jenkins, Sue Jurd, Nola Sindel, Anni Washington, and Maryke Miller. The judge’s comments are available in the members’ only section.
John Donnelly and Jane Barrett – Guest Artists Exhibition
Borderliners John Donnelly (paintings and pots) and Jane Barrett (handmade books) are featured guest artists at the Artists Studio Collective, Tenterfield until June 2016.

Jayne Barrett with her hand-made books at the Collective Art Studio
Maggie Brockie – exhibition and workshops
Borderliner Maggie Brockie‘s exhibition with Rod McIntosh ‘Common Ground’ is on at Inverell Art Gallery until 7 April 2016.
The vibe at the opening of Common Ground was upbeat and buzzing. The curating of the exhibition by the vollies was excellent and certainly the WOW factor was evident when entering the gallery. Over 80 people – friends, family, and supporters attended. Although Maggie and Rod’s cultures are vastly different both artists are strongly connected to the earth; Maggie through subject matter and clay, and Rod with his connection to country through stories and heritage. Both artists were happy to have sold a few works each on opening night. Maggie gave a floor talk to 20 interested folk on Saturday morning, which resulted in the sale of another sculpture.
Maggie is conducting clay sculpture workshops at Stanthorpe and Glen Innes in March/April.
Judy Harris awarded Champion at Tenterfield Show 2016
Borderliner Judy Harris was awarded Champion (Best Work of Show), for her charcoal and pastel work ‘Woody’, winning work of the class ‘Drawing’. Other borderliners to meet the favour of judging artist Max Powell, were Louise Jenkins, Nola Sindel, Michelle Cockburn, Anni Washington, Margaret Oban Dowe, John Donnelly, Janet White, Maryke Miller, and Rosemary Boyle. The judge’s comments are available in the members’ only section.
Stanthorpe Show 2016
Borderliner Norm Clayton won both 1st and 2nd place in Oil Painting, with ‘Better than School’ and ‘Safety Beach’. Judi Pidgeon was awarded 2nd place in Watercolour for ‘Ginger Iced Roses’, and Elspeth Cameron was awarded 2nd place in Drawing for her ‘Heritage Apples’ triptych. Pottery results: Open: 2nd Janet White; Wheel-thrown Pottery: 2nd Janet White; Hand-built Pottery: John Donnelly; Primitive fired P. 2nd, Janet White; Sculpture: Maryke Miller. Congratulations to all entrants.
Gail Galloway – wins a 2nd at Bentley Art Prize
Borderliner Gail Galloway won 2nd place in the section ‘Art Other Than Painting’ at the 2015 Bentley Art Prize, with her digital print ‘Earth Lines’ – later shown at Borderline’s ‘Resonance’ exhibition at Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery. A scan of a handmade fruit fibre composition, ‘Earth Lines’ depicts the beauty and fragility of our environment currently under assault from mining especially coal seam gas which threatens fragile aquifers.

Gail Galloway – ‘Earth Lines’
Inverell Art Prize 2015
Borderliners Maggies Brockie, Louise Jenkins, and Michelle Cockburn were all acknowledged by Armidale watercolourist James White. Click Inverell Art Prize 2015 for more information and photos!
Louise Jenkins awarded Champion at Tenterfield Show 2015
Borderliner Louise Jenkins was awarded Champion (Best Work of Show), for her acrylic ‘Uncle Ian III (Into the Unknown)’, winning work of the class ‘Figurative”. Other borderliners to meet the favour of judge Tanya Robertson-Cuninghame, were Nola Sindel, Linda Nye, Janet White, Maryke Miller, Pam Docherty, Rosemary Boyle, Sue Jurd, Lisa Sherratt and Anni Washington. For more information click on Tenterfield Show 2015.
Maryke Miller awarded Most Oustanding Exhibit at Stanthorpe Show 2015
Borderliner Maryke Miller was awarded Most Outstanding Exhibit in the Stanthorpe Show 2015 for her pottery – a Blue Bowl.
Inverell Art Society Competitive Art Exhibition 2014
Borderliner Pam Docherty won 1st prize in Applied Art with her silver jewellery entry “Silvered Seed Pods Necklace & Earrings”. Borderliner Louise Jenkins won the Hangers’ Prize with her acrylic work ‘Quest for the Warwick Gold Cup’. Congratulations!
Linda Nye heads Borderliners scoop at A Brush with Verse 2014
Borderliner Linda Nye was awarded the $1500 Tenterfield Shire Council Acquisition Award, for her painting ‘Spiritual Song of the Aborigine’. Other Borderliners to meet the favour of judge Helen Grant, editor of the Australian Artist, were Nola Sindel (Major Open Prize), Janet White (Minor Open Prize, and honourable mentions “Brush with verse (poem with artwork)” and “Interesting 3D exhibit”), Louise Jenkins (Regional Art Prize, and honourable mentions “Emerging Artist”, and “Interesting Interpretation of a subject”), Linda Clutterbuck (honourable mention “Interesting example of portraiture”). For more details, including the judge’s comments, click on A Brush with Verse 2014.
Linda Clutterbuck – London Art College
Borderliner Linda Clutterbuck has completed her studies in Portrait Painting via correspondence with the London Art College. Congratulations on passing with Distinction!

Linda Clutterbuck – self portrait
The Stanthorpe Art Festival 2014
Borderliners John Donnelly, Gail Galloway, Louise Jenkins, Nola Sindel and Fay Roselt have works amongst those in the Stanthorpe Art Festival 2014 exhibition at the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery. The exhibition consists of works from each of Australia’s states and territories, plus works from the USA and Germany. Works were selected by judge Angela Goddard, curator of Australian Art to 1975 at the QAGOMA (Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art). The exhibition is on until Sunday 13th April 2014. Don’t forget to cast your vote for the Public Choice Award, sponsored by Borderline.
Nola Sindel awarded Champion at Tenterfield Show 2014
Borderliner Nola Sindel was awarded Champion (Best Work of Show), for her handmade book ‘A Little Book of Fungi’, winning work of the class ‘2D Construction’. Other Borderliners to meet the favour of judging artist Helen Grant, were Narelle Harvey, Margaret Oban Dowe, Louise Jenkins, Linda Nye, Rosemary Boyle, Gail Wilson, Shirley Caldwell, Sue Jurd, Gail Galloway, Nola Sindel, Janet White, Raylee Myers, and Pam Docherty. For more information click on Tenterfield Show 2014, or view the judge’s comments by scrolling to the bottom of the members’ page.
Narelle Harvey
Fresh back from tutoring her first watercolour class on the Gold Coast, Narelle Harvey was awarded ‘Commended’ in the Open Art section of the Inverell Art Society Competitive Exhibition 2013.
Artists’ Collective Studio opens in Tenterfield
Borderliners Anni Washington, Linda Nye, Rosemary Boyle, Janet White, Nola Sindel and Raylee Myers have formed a collective to display their works at The Artists’ Collective Studio. Acrylics, oils, pastels, ink and watercolour. Paintings, pottery, cards, jewellery, fabric art and other fine crafts made locally and for sale. Following her successful guest artist exhibition, Pam Docherty has since joined the Collective (in March 2014) as a fully fledged member. For more information: Artists’ Collective Studio
The Spaces in Between exhibition is going to Toowoomba
Fresh from their successes at the Tenterfield Show 2013, Borderliners Maggie Brockie, Sue Jurd and Margaret Oban Dowe are taking their captivating exhibition ‘The Spaces in Between’ to the road. First seen in the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery, this exhibition will be in the Culliford Gallery, Toowoomba from 3rd March 2013.
Louise Jenkins awarded Champion at Tenterfield Show 2013
Borderliner Louise Jenkins was awarded Champion (Best Work of Show), for her acrylic ‘Kildare Granite’, winning work of the class ‘2D Work using Pigments (Contemporary)’. Other Borderliners to meet the favour of judging artist Thomas Spence, were Michelle Cockburn, Anni Washington, Margaret Oban Dowe, Sue Jurd, Narelle Harvey, Nola Sindel, Linda Nye, John Donnelly, Maggie Brockie, Janet White, and Pam Docherty. For more information click on Tenterfield Show 2013.
Norvill Art Prize 2012
Borderliner Louise Jenkins was pre-selected as a finalist, and awarded Commended for her contemporary landscape ‘Kildare Granite’ in the Norvill Art Prize 2012. The exhibition hosted by the Murrurundi Arts Council was judged by Kathleen von Witt, director of the Hawkesbury Regional Gallery & Museum. Visit The Scone Advocate for an image of Louise and her work.
Nola Sindel – guest traditional artist
Borderliner Nola Sindel was invited to be feature artist at an exhibition of traditionally styled works for local and regional artists at Glen Innes Art Gallery. The exhibition was called ‘In Their Footsteps – A Traditional Exhibition’.
Kerry Cannon
Borderline member Kerry Cannon has his new sculpture “Crisis” in the 10th Annual Swell Sculpture Festival at Currumbin Beach September 14 – 23, 2012, a display of 50 sculptures built by artists from Australia and abroad. The free exhibition is open all hours with a selection of sculptures revealing a new verve as they are lit up under the southern sky.

Kerry Canon – ‘The Yummy 014’
Maggie Brockie workshops
Borderliner Maggie Brockie opens her studio and shares her formidable clay sculpting skills in a series of simulating workshops where is seems anything is possible! Maggie is sensitive to the individual needs of her students, moving easily between raw beginners and her advanced students. The environment is warm and supportive, and the catering, fabulous! Check out these images from her July 2012 ‘Movement’ workshop.

Maggie Brockie workshop
A Brush with Verse 2012
Borderliners Louise Jenkins, Nola Sindel, Lu Potter and Jean Braid all did well at A Brush with Verse 2012. Click on A Brush with Verse 2012 for more information.
John Donnelly – guest contemporary artist
Following his success as winner of the Contemporary Art Special Feature at the Inverell Art Society Competitive Exhibition 2011, our president was invited to be feature artist at an exhibition of Contemporary works for local and regional artists at Glenn Innes Art Gallery. The exhibition was called ‘Dancing to a Different Drum’.
Laurie Astill awarded Champion at Stanthorpe Show 2012
Borderline was well represented amongst the winners at the Stanthorpe Show 2012. The Champion prize and ribbon was awarded to Laurie Astill for his piece ‘Eye of the Tiger’, winner of ‘Oil or Acrylic Painting’. Other borderline winners at the show included Nola Sindel, John Donnelly, Peter With and Ray Lee. For more information, including pictures, click on Stanthorpe Show 2012.
Louise Jenkins awarded Champion at Tenterfield Show 2012
Borderline was well represented amongst the winners at the Tenterfield Show 2012. The Champion prize and ribbon was awarded to Louise Jenkins for her charcoal piece ‘After the Fish’, winning work of the Drawing class. The work is one of 2 which were abstracted from the after lunch time plates of fish bones. Other Borderliner winners at the show included Nola Sindel, John Donnelly, Linda Nye, Sue Jurd, Shirley Caldwell, Gail Wilson, Jean Braid, Peter With, Jann Newman, Chris Humphreys, Margaret Oban Dowe and Janet White. For more information, click on Tenterfield Show 2012.
Linda Nye features in Australian Artist
Borderliner Linda Nye has an 8 page spread in magazine Australian Artist issue 332 (February 2012). The article includes information on her working methods, top tips on colour, and a step by step acrylic painting demonstration. Interestingly, two of the paintings pictured in the article were on display at the Tenterfield Show (27th – 29th Jan 2012). The judge, Penelope Hillam, director of Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery, acknowledged both works – giving one a ‘Special First Prize’ in the sub-category ‘Traditional Landscape’ which was created at her discretion (and that of chief steward). We hope that the increase in exposure by the magazine will bring Linda Nye ever greater recognition.
Linda Nye wins Peoples’ Choice at Shine
Now that the Shine exhibition is over, the votes for Peoples’ Choice have been counted. Linda Nye’s acrylic painting ‘Dust Stirrers’ is the winner. Congratulations Linda! Coming second was Louise Jenkins‘ acrylic work ‘Three Trees, Kilmarnock’, and third was Nola Sindel‘s coloured pencil drawing ‘Raptor’.
Nola Sindel wins at Armidale
Nola Sindel won the $500 ‘Works on Paper’ prize at Armidale Regional Art Prize exhibition. This is the same work (pictured below) which won ‘Best Flora Artwork’ in Brisbane. Congratulations Nola! The exhibition is on at Armidale Gallery until 17 November 2011.
Inverell Art Society Competitive Art Exhibition 2011
Borderline was well represented among the winners of the Inverell Art Society Competitive Art Exhibition 2011. Members John Donnelly, Nadia Varelle Kliendance, Margaret Oban Dowe, Maggie Brockie and Nola Taylor all receiving recognition for their work. Click here to read about our members’ success at the exhibition, and view images.
Nola Sindel wins ‘Best Flora Artwork’
Borderline artist Nola Sindel recently entered her drawing of gum nuts and leaves, titled ‘An Arrangement of Eucalyptus Fruits and Leaves’ in the Faber-Castell 150th Anniversary Exhibition in Brisbane. Her work was awarded ‘Best Flora Artwork’, drawing many appreciative comments from judges and visitors to the exhibition which was held at Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens. The piece was executed in colour pencil, and even though it appears as a range of browns, pinks and fawns, there were over 30 different coloured pencils used in the work which took over five weeks to complete.
Nola specialises in botanical and wildlife art, generally in watercolour or coloured pencil with her works being exhibited regularly in Brisbane and in Borderline exhibitions.

Nola Sindel – ‘An Arrangement of Eucalyptus Fruits and Leaves’
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