“State of Flux” (Exhibition now closed)
An exhibition of art works by members of the Borderline Regional Arts Association Inc.
The Borderline Regional Arts Association Inc art exhibition “State of Flux” opened at the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery on Friday August 26 to an enthusiastic response from everyone who attended.
The show was opened by Helen Grant, the editor of the “Australian Artist” magazine, who said she had not expected a show of such a high quality, and commented, that perhaps cross-border communities have an extra creative vitality.
The diversity of the show, both in subject and medium, reflected the exhibition’s title “State of Flux”.
Early in the planning stage, some doubt was expressed as to whether we would be able to fill the Stanthorpe Gallery, but the results show there was no need for concern. With 114 works from 31 artists, the exhibition is a “must see” event.
The exhibition was beautifully displayed by the gallery Director Penelope Hillam, and her helpers, with the recently created white walls of the gallery showing the works to advantage. Many thanks are due to all the artists who participated, with special thanks to Maggie Brockie, Margaret Dowe and Sue Jurd for all the work they did towards making the show one to be remembered.
Scenes from the exhibition opening:

’Tree…To…One’ by Michael Pieper, with clay sculpture ‘Cobweb’ by Glenys Fletcher

Rosemary Boyle and her textile works

Linda Nye’s work

Margaret Oban Dowe reclining at the gallery beneath her sculpture “365 Cups of Tea and Counting”
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