It’s a Case of Art in the Mill

Maggie Brockie’s ‘Boy with Butterfly’

Jayne Barrett’s book

Michael Pieper’s bookcase
Press Release April 2013
Set in the historic, rustic Ballandean Timber Case Mill, Curr Road, Ballandean, the thirteenth annual ‘It’s a Case of Art in the Mill’ will open on Friday night the 3rd of May at 7pm and continue over the weekend, Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th 9am until late.
A balanced mix of two dimensional and three dimensional artworks have been created for the exhibition.
Two dimensional artists include, Sue Jurd whose silk paintings will incorporate natural plant dyes obtained from eucalyptus. Tenterfield’s Rod McIntosh will exhibit his acrylic paintings featuring aboriginal designs. Water colour artist, Allan English, returns this year with scenes inspired from Australian and International landscapes. Denis Brockie, winner of the 2012 Stanthorpe Arts Festival Prize, will feature his acrylic paintings depicting landscapes and abstract themes.
3D artist include, Jayne Barrett, whose beautiful handmade books feature funky covers of wood inlaid with metal, handmade paper and found objects.
Morrie Day’s eclectic collection of creatures fashioned from discarded metal objects will again demand your attention with their humour and ingenuity.
Regulars, Maggie Brockie, well known for her clay animals, this year introduces her ‘clay children’. Albert Verschuuren’s rich, warm, wood fired pots and his classic tableware exhibited alongside Michael Pieper’s mirrors and hand crafted furniture pieces, incorporating wood and glass, will once again grace the rustic environment of Pedro Curr’s shed.
Be warmed on opening night with complementary mulled wine and food, the drum fire and the buzzing atmosphere of the Mill, as local and visiting art connoisseurs scramble to purchase that unique special piece.
For enquiries contact Maggie 46 834210
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