Tenterfield Traveller
From June 15 to 22 2013, Borderline conducted an artist in residency program with arts educator, professional watercolourist/print maker and business mentor Christine Porter, who was stationed at the Tenterfield Rail Museum and Forest to Furniture Gallery.
Artists of any medium gathered to embark on a creative journey through Tenterfield and were encouraged to experiment with new techniques to increase skills, be challenged and create a body of work for exhibition.
The program consisted of:
- I day of Watercolour tuition
- 1 day of drypoint printmaking tuition
- a series of professional development lectures, with topics including copyright, marketing and sales integrity
- 4 days of creative challenge – with classes in drawing, field sketching, life drawing, portraits and excursions

An ingenious traveller’s ‘suitcase’, devised by Christine Porter and Borderliners Sue Jurd, Shirley Calwell, and Gail Galloway, was available for purchase. It was well equipped to providing the travelling artist with the information, light weight support and art materials, suitable in their transit between classed at railway carriages, on the station waiting platform, in the gallery, and on excursion to Mt McKenzie.
The Tenterfield Traveller’s Suitcase contained such goodies as:
- drypoint etching plate
- various papers including suitable for watercolour and sketching
- pencil and sharpener
- watercolour paints (3)
- pastels (3)
- brushes (2)
- customised Tenterfield Traveller artists’ postcard kit
- canvas
- mini water bottle
- mini palette – Christine’s inventive ‘gift’
The images on this page were taken during the Mt McKenzie excursion. We were unlucky that the morning was so perishingly cold, however our enthusiasm for the task at hand was not swayed. Tenterfield Traveller Artist in Residence Christine Porter is pictured in the purple hat below, demonstrating watercolour ‘in the field’ using the suitcase.
Many thanks to our sponsers TVA (Tenterfield and District Visitors’ Association) and the Tenterfield Golf Club.
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