About Borderline
About us
Borderline Regional Arts Association Inc (Borderline) had its beginning in 1994 as a cooperative with about twenty members from both sides of the Queensland/New South Wales border. Incorporated four years later, Borderline now boasts more than 50 artists from all disciplines – including but not limited to painters, sculpters, papermakers, printmakers, weavers and felters, fiber artists, multi media artists – all hailing from the Granite Belt in Qld and NSW and further afield.
A community-based, not-for-profit organisation, Borderline encourages its members’ individual artistic development and skill-building with a culture of connection and collaboration through exhibitions, workshops, information and idea exchange, painting and drawing expeditions and social gatherings. Borderline members’ skills span all levels of expertise – from novices to intermediate to experienced and professional artists.
In December 2021 we obtained permanent premises at The Railway Drivers Barracks in the Tenterfield Railway Museum where we have regular open studio time for members as well as workshops and market days. Our events are all posted on our homepage or see our facebook page.
If you would like to join us, scroll down and download the form under ‘Membership’ and fill in and return – we would love to meet you!
Range of practice
Borderline members practice their art in a broad range of media including but not limited to painting (oils, acrylics, watercolour), sculpture (clay, wood, metal, bronze, found object), drawing (charcoal, ink, graphite), mixed media, textiles/fibre, jewellery, photography, etching, printmaking, papermaking, glass, ceramics, woodcarving, collage, folk art, framing, writing, poetry and music
We are an interesting group of interesting people!
Take a look at some of our talented artists. Click here to > Meet the Artists
Since Borderline began, Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery (SRAG) has hosted our major biennial group exhibition. Borderline continues to enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship with SRAG through other group and solo exhibitions, via work sold and acquired and with members as gallery committee members and volunteers.
As Borderline members come from north and south of the border, Borderline promotes art and artists throughout the whole area of northern NSW and southern QLD. In addition to collaborating with other regional and private galleries, Borderline works with our membership to create interesting and popular ways to display and sell art. Sharing energy, ideas, common interests and commitment, members create group exhibitions that can be found at wineries, in sheds and cafés and other venues as well as traditional art galleries.
Borderline activities
The activities initiated by Borderline vary from year to year. They include:
- workshops, with tutors who may be sourced within Borderline, or from afar – often these are open to the public
- art exhibitions
- public displays of art works available for sale at community events
- the support and encouragement of art in our community, through sponsorship and volunteer assistance for art related activities
- representation for local artists re public art
- fun days involving a shared artist experience – eg printing, paper making, life drawing.
Borderline membership offers a connection with other artists within our local communities and across the border, the opportunity to gather, exchange and exhibit together.
As a member of Borderline, you can be involved a little or a lot – it’s your choice. You can even join if you just appreciate art!
The annual Membership Fee is $35 for an individual and $50 for a couple (partners).
Click here for > membership-form
Membership benefits
- discounts for Borderline Workshops
- group socials and outings
- at least one group exhibition each year – often more. Regular exhibitions include our biennial group exhibition at Stanthorpe Art Gallery.
- new friends, ideas, exchange, sharing
- public liability insurance coverage for approved Borderline activities
- publicity on this website for exhibitions where your work can be found, workshops you may be running, and your stories of success.
- opportunity to put up an artists page to share your work.
- exposure via our Facebook and Instagram pages.
- use of studio space and printing press.
Borderline meetings
We meet on the second Saturday of most months at our permanent premises: The Cottage, Tenterfield Railway Museum. As well as making committee decisions we socialise and often spend time in ‘show and tell’ or community art play time. Notification for Borderline Meetings is emailed to members.
Sometimes meetings or play days are also held elsewhere, eg at a member’s studio, at a national park, etc.
Artworks for sale
Our members have artworks for sale. If you are looking for quality original art for your home or office or for a unique gift, please contact the artist directly via our member pages.
Or if you would like to sponsor an exhibition or event get in touch directly with us – contact details as the bottom of the page.
As well as our exhibitions (see our current ‘Whats On’ and event listing on our home page for more info) there are many local places you will find work by Borderline artists, some of those include :
Jennings/Wallangarra, NSW/QLD border : Jennings Hotel, Wallangarra/Jennings Railway Station
Stanthorpe, QLD : Commercial Hotel Piano Bar, Lorenza’s Café, Market in the Mountains, Queensland College of Wine Tourism, Stanthorpe GBWT Visitor Information Centre, Stanthorpe Farley Piazza, Stanthorpe Post Office Square, Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery, Artworks, various Granite Belt wineries, Weeroona Art & Craft
Tenterfield, NSW : Artists’ Collective Studio, Carpe Diem Guesthouse, Deloraine, Royal Hotel, Tenterfield Library, Tenterfield Info Centre, Make-It Tenterfield.
Honoured Members
We are very sad to have lost the following Borderline members Chris Humpreys Shirley Caldwell Elspeth Cameron
Borderline Contacts
Postal Address: Borderline Regional Arts Association inc, PO Box 201, Tenterfield, NSW 2372
Borderline Membership Secretary
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