Millrace Community Art Project

Millrace Community Art Project
Image: Borderline president John Donnelly (left), and member Louise Jenkins (centre), presented Director of Care, Millrace Judith Silvers (right) with a collage which had been constructed for Millrace.
In March 2011, Millrace held a fete in commemoration of its 20th Anniversary.
Borderline were invited to run a stand at the fete whose proceeds could be used in support of the hostel.
The Borderline stand was lined with Borderline members who guided the public through the process of creating an etching. The process involved scribing a cardboard ‘plate’ with the nails provided. The plates were inked and printed by Borderline volunteers on the day, so that the entire printing process could be observed.
The collage is a presentation of prints made at the fete. The photographic image embedded amongst the etching plates and prints, was taken on location during the fete by Tenterfield Star’s photographer Daryl Wood. The collage was constructed by Louise Jenkins on behalf of Borderline.
Many thanks to artist Christine Porter for the loan of her printing press and equipment, that were used on the day.
At the presentation, Judith Silvers (Director of Care, Millrace) made the following statement:
“Thankyou to the Borderline Regional Arts Association, attending our anniversary fete in March, for the donation of an etching collage which represents the wonderful community participation and support of Millrace. It will no doubt become a focus of attention for the residents. Anyone who participated is welcome to come and view their work.”
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